2020.01.17(金), 18(土), 19(日)
会場 兵庫県立芸術文化センター KOBELCO大ホール
開演 1/17 17:46, 1/18,19 各日15:00 詳細はこちら
2025.01.17(金), 18(土), 19(日)
阪神・淡路大震災30年 兵庫県立芸術文化センター開館20周年記念
兵庫芸術文化センター管弦楽団 第156回定期演奏会
会場 兵庫県立芸術文化センター KOBELCO大ホール
開演 1/17 17:46, 1/18,19 各日15:00 詳細はこちら
2025.01.31(金), 02.01(土)
新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団 すみだクラシックへの扉#28
会場 すみだトリフォニーホール
開演 14:00 詳細はこちら
Kyu Won Han
日本では2001年新国立劇場「魔笛」パパゲーノ役でデビュー。兵庫芸術文化センター制作オペラには「蝶々夫人」シャープレス、ヤマドリの2役を始め、「トスカ」アンジェロッティ役、「コジ・ファン・トゥッテ」グリエルモ役に出演。また佐渡裕指揮・兵庫芸術文化センター管弦楽団定期演奏会「ドイツ・レクイエム」、「カルミナ・ブラーナ」、アルミンク指揮・新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団定期演奏会「こうもり」フランク役、広上淳一指揮・京都市交響楽団「ミサ・ソレムニス」、現田茂夫指揮札幌交響楽団「HTB・朝日ジルベスターコンサート」など、国内オーケストラとも多数共演を重ねている。また、「サントリー 1万人の第九」、テレビ朝日系「題名のない音楽会」に度々出演。
エイベックス・クラシックスよりCD「Questo Amor~この愛を」をリリースしている。
Kyu Won Han has made numerous appearances with the San Francisco Opera since his 1999 debut as Masetto in Don Giovanni. An alumni of its prestigeous Adler Fellowship Program and the Merola Opera Program, Mr. Han was also featured in Turandot, Carmen, and Madama Butterfly among others. His European debut was in 2001 as Ping in Turandot with Strasbourg's Opéra National du Rhin and the same year he made his Japan debut as Papageno in Die Zauberflöte with the New National Theater of Tokyo. Other roles include the Figaro in Il Barbiere di Siviglia at the Opéra National de Bordeaux, doubles roles as Yamadori and Sharpless in Madama Butterfly at the Hyogo Performing Arts Center in Japan to name a few.
Mr. Han is also active on the concert stage, and his credits include Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, the Requiem (Brahms and Faure), Handel's Messiah and Elijah, Mahler's Eighth Symphony, Mozart's Coronation Mass, Schubert's Mass in G, Bernstein's Chichester Psalms, Saint-Saëns's Oratorio de Noël, Britten's War Requiem, and Carl Orff's Carmina Burana which he performed at Suntory Hall (Tokyo, Japan) in January 2011 under maestro Yutaka Sado.
The recent appearances include the title role in Mae Naak composed by the renowned Thai composer Somtow Sucharitkul, which he gave world premiere in Bangkok and Europe premiere in London, Opera Shorts at Carnegie Weill Hall in New York, and several appearances on the Japanese TV program, "Untitled Concert" which was honoured "the longest running TV program for classical music" by the Guinness World Records.
A native of Seoul, Korea, Mr. Han received both his Bachelor and Master of Music degrees from the Manhattan School of Music. He is a recipient of many awards that include the Belvedere Competition, the Oratorio Society Competition, the Licia Albanese/Puccini Competition, the Dicapo Opera Competition.
Besides his classical music career, he sang the main theme of the TV drama"King Sejong"in Korea in 2008. In the fall of 2008 he released a debut CD called"Questo Amor"from Avex Classics in Japan.